
*This site uses iframes, javascript, and autoplaying music. It may not function as intended on mobile browsers and is best viewed with Firefox.*

Jules 23 42 10/30 R M []
What's This?
This is my personal website for learning html/css. It doesn't really serve any purpose except to fill with random stuff I think is cool. I am a college student from the United States. Some of my interests are geopolitics, video games, language learning, technology and programming. I speak English, Spanish and I am learning German. I'm also interested in and an enthusiast of the free software movement and internet privacy. I have a passion for 2000s nostalgia and niche internet micro-aesthetics.

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October 19th 2024:
Added new things to the homepage

August 16th 2024:
New homepage

May 21st 2024:
Completely re-coded the homepage. Fixed formatting once and for all. Generally improved the looks.

April 11th 2024:
Added the AOC Records Page. Fixed more formatting with the homepage (dynamic sizing)

April 10th 2024:
Updated the homepage, wallpaper, and overall look. Fixed lots of problems with the formatting.

April 9th 2024:
Created the site. Added the homepage, navigation bar, title, etc. It's still a work in progress but I'm learning.

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